EVENT: Indiana University Navruz Celebration

Tonight, March 18, 2021, Indiana University’s Navruz Students Association will hold its annual Navruz (Noruz) celebration via Zoom. I have contributed a video performance of the song “Meshrep yoq yerde” (Where there is no meshrep) on dutar and vocals. The music portion of the event (five performances) will be followed by a dance workshop.

In my own years at IU I organized the Navruz celebration on four different occasions (in 2012, 2017, 2018, and 2019), and I’m delighted to be connecting with my alma mater and taking part in this joyous celebration once again.

To register, visit: https://go.iu.edu/3Fbq

EVENT: UC Berkeley Central Asia Working Group Webinar

I’m honored to be speaking tomorrow at a special webinar on Xinjiang hosted by the Central Asia Working Group at UC Berkeley alongside Dr. Rachel Harris, Dr. Darren Byler, and Dr. Sean Roberts.

My presentation will explore the erasure and replacement of soundscapes in the Chinese government’s ongoing genocidal campaign against Uyghurs, Kazakhs, and other peoples. What kinds of clues can the sound environments give us into the scope and scale of repression?

Registration info here: https://berkeley.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_om0ZOjuXR8u8QFJRvW85zA